Stop, Drop and Go!
Dixie Canyon has a great community that works together to offer our Stop, Drop and Go service where you STOP in front of the school, volunteers will open doors for you to DROP your student off and you GO off to work or whatever it is you do when you're free of the kids! This service can only be available when we all work together and do our part to take on a 40 minute morning shift. * You do NOT need to be a LAUSD approved volunteer for this, since you will not be on campus for your shift.
This service is only available to 1st-5th graders, but we all work together to cover all shifts because all our kids will eventually have this privilege available to us and we can only make it work if we all pitch in. ** Later in the school year, once the younger students are more comfortable with the campus and school routine, they may be allowed to use the service as well. We will keep you posted! **
Each class is assigned a week to gather families to volunteer, but YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR ANY WEEK that works for you (even if it's not your class's assigned week). Volunteer with a friend or two and you'll have a chance to catch up with them while you greet the kiddos!
If each family signs up for just ONE 40 min shift, we'll have this easily covered!
On the day of your shift:
- When you arrive at 7:45am, get the gray cart with the orange cones and vests. It's found inside the gate, so you will need to enter the office, then out onto campus and you'll see it near Room1. Wheel it out the the front of the school.
- Put on one of the orange vests so drivers can spot the volunteers and know where to go.
- Set up the cones - you need to give enough room for cars to drive up to the curb and keep it separate from thru traffic. Also, leave a cone at the front of the line (near the digital marquee) so they know where to pull out of the line.
- Keep in mind, this area is also the School Bus Zone. Please allow the bus to use the drop off lane to let the students safely exit the bus (the bus driver will pull forward as much as s/he can, but will be limited by the already parked cars). You may need to adjust the cones placement until the bus leaves.
- Motion all cars to move to the very front of line before opening doors so we can keep traffic moving. Once students have safely exited the car and are on the sidewalk, motion for drivers to move on - some parents like to watch their kids enter the gate, but we need to keep the traffic moving, so respectfully motion for them to keep the line moving.
- At about 8:15am, when the main gate has closed, you may remove all the cones and your vest, place them back on the cart and wheel the cart back onto campus near the gate. Your shift is done!! Thank you for helping!
Please note: for safety reasons, your child(ren) should not be on the sidewalk while you are volunteering.
Why join the PTA?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!
- Monday, March 31
- Friday, April 4
- Friday, April 11
- Monday, April 14