The Dixie-nary


THE CHARTER - Dixie Canyon Community Charter is an affiliated charter school.  That means we're an LAUSD school with more flexibility with decision-making.  As a charter, we are eligible for charter block grants, which provide nearly $300,000 for staff salaries, programs and supplies.  Parents, teachers and staff can participate in Charter Governance and the Charter Committees and it’s a great way to be involved in decisions about our school.  Everyone is welcome to attend Committee meetings and share their voices on what matters to them.  The elected Charter Governance Council votes on how this block grant is spent for our school, based on feedback from Committee meetings.


Charter Governance Council - The Governance Council is made up of 5 community members (parents/guardians), 5 certified teachers, 1 administration representative and 1 support staff member.  As a parents/guardians, we vote for the community members who represent us for two-year terms.  In one year, we will vote for 3 community members and 1 alternate and in the next year, we vote for 2 community members and 1 alternate.  Council members vote on how block grants are spent, based on feedback during committee meetings.


Charter Governance Committees - There are 4 Committees that act as the advisory arm of the Charter.  The Committees include Budget and Finance; Facilities and Safety; Curriculum; and Diversity and Equity.  Anyone can be a member of any committee, which gives everyone the opportunity to contribute, research and make recommendations to the Governance Council.  These Committees meet separately from the Governance Council and report progress at regular monthly Council meetings.


Parent Teacher Association (PTA) - The mission of the Dixie Canyon PTA is to improve the lives of all students and we do this through community building events and projects as well as fundraising for programs that are part of your child’s daily curriculum.  Thanks to the support of parents like you, the PTA provides our school close to $250,000 to pay for salaries, field trips and other items not paid for by LAUSD. Please come to a meeting and join in on the conversation - all are welcome (even non-members)!! Membership in the PTA does not require you to volunteer, but gives you a voice in important decisions impacting the school, however, only PTA members are allowed to vote.  The only requirement to become a PTA member is to pay the annual fee.  Click HERE to become a member.


PTA Board - The PTA Board members consist of involved parents like you!  They are voted on by PTA members and have limited terms.  Board members facilitate community building events, projects and fundraising as advised by PTA Members.  PTA Board positions are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, VP Communications, Fundraising Chair, Parliamentarian, Volunteer Coordinator, Historian and Membership Chair.  Click HERE to see who your current members are. 


Literati Book Fair –There are two book fairs, one in the Fall and one in the Spring.  It's optional, but a great way to encourage reading between peers.  Students will visit the book fair with their classes and choose their own books!  Your class Room Parent will let you know which day to send money with your child or you can set up an eWallet through Literati.  Information will be sent home with your students prior to the book fair.


Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) - This Council is made up of 4 elected community members (parents/guardians), 5 elected classroom teachers, 1 other elected school staff member, as well as the school principal and UTLA (United Teachers of Los Angeles - teachers' union) Chapter Chair, who are automatic members of the Council.  The LSLC is a shared decision-making body who make decisions in various areas of the school program.  These programs are the school calendar, professional development schedule, budget for instructional materials, student discipline guidelines, and school equipment use guidelines (such as for copy machines).  


ANNUAL GIVING -  Annual Giving is critical for keeping the programs that make Dixie Canyon great.  It is the largest fundraiser of the year for the PTA.  Look for the flyers in the Welcome Packet (online too: under the Parent Info tab on this site) explaining the enrichment programs that are part of your child’s daily curriculum.  Science and Computer Coding Lab, Art Instruction, Drama & Theater, and Physical Education are just some of the programs paid for by PTA fundraising. Check out the flyer for more info.


PARTNERS OF DIXIE (POD)- Our corporate sponsors who generously support the school. 


Stop, Drop & Go – A volunteer-powered safe way to drop off 2nd- 5th Grade kids in the morning at the front of the school (TK, Kinders and 1st graders still have to be walked to the gate).  Each class has at least one week per school year where they are responsible for Stop, Drop and Go (even TK, Kinder and 1st - we are a community and need all the help we can get! And by the time your kiddo gets the opportunity to use it, you'll appreciate that the lower grades after you are offering a helping hand!).  Sign up HERE!


Family Night - A community building event with food trucks, bouncy houses/games & activities plus other fun surprises. 


Dixie Dine-Out - Days where local restaurants donate a percentage of the bill to the Dixie Canyon PTA. 


Dixie Dollars - Amazon and Ralphs donates a portion of your purchases to Dixie Canyon when you register.  There's no easier way to donate to our school than this!  Ralph's Rewards > Rewards > Community Contributions > select 'Dixie Canyon PTA'.


Spirit Days – Fun themed Fridays where kids wear silly outfits or their Dixie Spirit Wear. These are determined by the 5th grade student body and you’ll learn about them in the weekly Dixie Digest (aka the eBlast).


eBlast - Weekly email that will keep you up to speed about Dixie Canyon info you need. Please make sure you’re registered so you don’t miss out on anything. 


Room Parent - A parent/guardian in each classroom, that is designated by the teacher, to communicate class and PTA notices and information to the rest of the classroom parents. 


Party Book - Families help fundraise by coordinating and attending a variety of parties for kids and adults. The host's contribution is paying for the party and attendee's contribute by paying for tickets to the party.  Ticket proceeds go directly to the school.  It's a fun way to get to know your Dixie Canyon community while raising funds for the school.


The Green Team - A group of involved volunteers who's goal is to find ways to create sustainability at Dixie Canyon, whether it's in the classroom, around campus or at PTA events.  Watch for the Halloween Costume Recycling Boutique!


Back to School Night – Get a sitter, this night is for parents only to meet your teachers & get the lowdown on how they like to do things.  This is directly followed by Parent’s Night Out.


Parent's Night Out - After Back to School Night, take advantage of the sitter and meet up with other Dixie Canyon adults!


Scholastic Book Fair –There are two book fairs, one in the Fall and one in the Spring.  It's an optional, but a great way to encourage reading.  Students will visit the book fair with their classes and choose their own books!  Your class Room Parent will let you know which day to send money with your child or you can set up an eWallet through Scholastic.  Information will be sent home with your students prior to the book fair.   Book Fairs may be organized under 'Scholastic' or 'Literati' depending on the Committee's arrangements. 


Spell-a-thon – This fun spelling challenge raises money for our computer lab and program.  All children are invited to participate regardless if they raise funds or not.


Giving Tuesday - A national day of giving back usually in November. #GivingTuesdayDixieCanyon raises money via social media campaigns. 


Holiday Boutique – A beloved Dixie Canyon tradition - volunteers create a pop-up shop in the library where kids can shop for inexpensive holiday gifts for their whole family.  Gifts are all wrapped to keep it a surprise!  This fundraiser isn’t just fun, it teaches valuable life lessons about money, budgeting and that giving can be more fun than receiving.  In addition to the new merchandise, the Green Team organizes a recycling and re-purposing program here too!


Winter Wonderland – Inflatables, slime, games, food trucks and so much more.  This amazing winter festival has something for all members of your family.  


Valentines Grams - Students can buy Carnation-grams to send to their classmates, friends, teachers or staff to show their love and appreciation for each other.  A great way for grandparents to let their grandchildren know they are thinking of them on Valentine's Day too, by sending a Carnation delivered directly to the classroom by PTA volunteers!


Fun Run –A fundraiser that raises money for our PE teacher.  Kids collect pledges from friends, family and neighbors to win prizes and support Dixie.  On the day of the event, kids will walk/run around the track and get a cold treat at the end!


Open House – In the Spring, teachers show you what the kids have been up to all year.  You come with your child to this and it’s the same day as the Science Fair. 


Science Fair – All ages/grades are welcome to do a fun science fair project and submit it to the Science Fair.  On the night of the Open House, families will have the opportunity to check out all the fun, exciting and education projects!



Spring AuctionThe final fundraiser of the year is a fun grown-up night out where our kids are the real winners (these usually have theme names like “DixieFest”) … stay tuned for this years theme!  There will be both a live and virtual auction, so those that can't make it can still get in on some great auction items!

DixieFest 2025


Why join the PTA?

Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!