Welcome to Dixie!
We are so excited to welcome our newest Dolphins.
Kindergarten and TK Play Dates
Join us for Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten play dates. Your children will get the chance to play with their future classmates and visit the school while you get to know fellow parents. It’s a great welcome to our community!
To help you prepare for this exciting transition, we have put together a quick “Dixie Canyon 101 overview”. There is an abundance of information available when you peruse this website. We encourage you to visit this site often to answer any questions.
We look forward to your involvement with Dixie for years to come!
The first day of school
Our first day of school is Monday, August 14th. The school day begins at 8:10am.
Please Join us in the AUDITORIUM for TK AND KINDER ORIENTATION. This should last about an hour. Your child will then go to their classrooms for their first day of school!!
Regular school days end at 2:38 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and at 1:38 pm on Tuesdays.
What does my Kindergartner need?
- A backpack: large enough to hold a homework folder, art projects, and other handouts.
- Closed-toe shoes and socks that they can run and play in. Nothing that could slip off, including crocs.
- Students should wear shorts or “cartwheel shorts” under dresses or skirts.
- A lunchbox or sack lunch and snacks for recess. Please pack your snacks in a container designated just for snacks so that they can take just the snack out at snack time.
- If they are eating lunch and snack from the cafeteria there is no need to pack anything - they will go through the line for their food!
- A water bottle.
You do NOT need school supplies.
Please make sure all your child’s items are labeled with their first and last name and room number. Children have a tendency to discard or forget their things throughout the school and many kids have similar clothes. Having both their name and room number will help their belongings find their way home.
The Cafeteria
Dixie Canyon offers free lunch for all its students.
After School Programs
Dixie is proud to offer many extra-curricular activities. Information regarding these activities (including dates, times, and prices) are part of the Welcome Packets sent home in your child’s backpack. Please note that After school programs are not sponsored by the PTA. These programs are included in the packet for your convenience.
If you need daily after-school care for your child, Dixie offers Extended Education programs through STAR Education. STAR also offers enrichment programs throughout the school year. Classes are 1 hour per week and include Ceramics, Cooking, Basketball, Dance, RockSTAR, Wildlife, Science,Woodworking and Chess! For more information about the specific programs and pricing, click here or stop by the office.
Join the Dixie community
Principal Lopez-Wells sends out a weekly Sunday evening call message to families with information for the week and reminders that affect all students (and their guardians). Please be sure the office has the correct phone numbers and email addresses.
Your Dixie PTA has prepared a Welcome Packet for all grade levels. Look for your packet in your child’s backpack the first week of school. The materials included provide a wealth of important information, safety, events and ways to access Dixie information.
Please make sure we have YOUR EMAIL so you are getting our PTA EMAILS - do so by REGISTERING YOUR FAMILY on this site - go to the homepage and scroll to register. The PTA emails have all school info in them - not just PTA info.
The Welcome Packet also includes a membership flyer encouraging you to join your PTA. Becoming a member will give you a voice in the community. Attend the PTA monthly meetings and learn how you can participate. Joining the PTA will not require you to volunteer, but doing so will help you learn more about the school, make lots of new friends, and your kids will love seeing you as an important part of their school.
The community at Dixie Canyon is diverse and welcoming. We hope you enjoy your experience and we understand that you will have questions. The PTA board members are available on campus most mornings after drop off. We are happy to answer questions and help you.
Thank you and email dixiecanyonptapres@gmail.com with any other needs.
Why join the PTA?
Successful students make successful schools— which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!
- Friday, March 7
- Friday, March 14
- Friday, March 21
- Friday, March 28