Unleash your creativity through the PTA Reflections Art Contest!


Reflections is one of few nation-wide art programs offering students Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 an opportunity to explore their artistic talents and express themselves. Entries can advance from the local level, to state, to the national level.


REFLECT on the theme. CREATE art. And BE RECOGNIZED!  Students are encouraged to submit original works of art in one or more of the following categories:




Students with disabilities may receive special accommodations by entering the Special Artist Division -- English | Spanish





The Top 2 winners per category, per grade division (Primary (Pre-K - Grade 2) and Intermediate (Grades 3-5) will be submitted for PTA Reflections 31st District judging.


All entries will be displayed at the Reflections Gala (planned to be held during one of the PTA meetings) and winners in categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production and Musical Composition will be invited to perform at the Gala.


And let’s not forget about prizes! Shhh! It's a secret!



explore the sections below for more information:



1. Read the Rules.


2. Create an ORIGINAL and new artwork inspired by this year’s theme.


3. Complete a Student Entry Form (each submission must be the work of only ONE student although others may appear within the work).


4. All entries must include the “Artistic Statement” (on your Student Entry Form).


5. Submit art (according to the rules for its specific category) and your Student Entry Form by the this year's deadline in the front office.


There is no limit to the number of entries per child. 


Need more help?

Email your questions to katerina@sochnev.com





"Earth Matters Because..."

Mason Whittemore

3rd grade

"Look within"

Mason Whittemore

2nd grade



"Imagination Nebula"

Mason Whittemore

4th grade

"The Heart of the Highland"

Sage Waabigwan Tousey



1. Interpretation: How closely the piece relates to the theme, based on the work itself and the artist statement. 


2. Creativity: How creative and original the piece is in its conception of the theme and its presentation. 


3. Technique: The level of skill demonstrated in the basic principles/techniques of the arts area.


Judges strongly consider the interpretation of the Reflections theme during the evaluation process. It is suggested that students give their submissions a title that stands out and describes how the piece relates to the student’s personal interpretation of the theme. The following guiding questions can be useful when developing a title and artist statement: 

  • How does your work relate to the theme?
  • What is your personal connection to the theme?
  • What did you use to create your work (e.g., supplies, technology, instrumentation, props, etc.)
  • What/who was your inspiration?


The Top 2 winners per category, per grade division, will be submitted for PTA Reflections 31st District judging.


LOCAL: Submissions will be recognized, celebrated and judged at Dixie, while a non-judged Special Artists division celebrates student artists with special needs.Dixie participants will receive a participation and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons. 

Top entries per category will be sent to the 31st District for consideration for submission to California State PTA, and will be featured in the 31st District Reflections Event.


DISTRICT: Top judged submissions in each category will receive recognition at the 31st District Reflections Event, medals and certificates, and will then go on to represent 31st District in the CA State PTA judging round. 



Outstanding Interpretation honorees receive:

  • Onstage recognition at the California State PTA Annual Convention
  • The opportunity to showcase their artwork at the California State PTA Convention Reflections Gallery
  • Prizes including an Outstanding Interpretation plaque, award and certificate

Award of Excellence honorees receive:

  • The opportunity to showcase their artwork at the California State PTA Convention Reflections Gallery
  • Prizes including an Award of Excellence medallion, award and certificate

Award of Merit honorees receive:

  • The opportunity to showcase their artwork at the California State PTA Convention Reflections Gallery
  • Prizes including an Award of Merit medallion and certificate

Outstanding Interpretation and Award of Excellence entries then go on to represent California in the final National PTA judging round.



Outstanding Interpretation honorees:

  • Are recognized with an expense-paid trip for the awardee and chaperone to show their work on state at the National PTA Convention
  • $800 Young Artist Scholarship
  • Gold Medal
  • Certificate for Outstanding Interpretation, will have their work featured in the traveling exhibition, and will win a $200 prize for Dixie PTA.

Award of Excellence winners:

  • Will win a $200 Young Artist Scholarship;
  • Silver Medal
  • Certificate of Excellence
  • Will have their work featured in the traveling exhibition.

Visit the National PTA Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships at https://www.pta.org/home/programs/reflections/awards







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